Monday, October 25, 2010

Favorite time of year

So...October & November are my favorite time of year! Not only because of the beautiful midwest fall weather, but also because it's when the love of my life proposed to me (on my grandparents' anniversary, none the less!) & a short month later, we were married:)

So... 3 blessed years later, here we are! I can't imagine spending the rest of my life with anyone else! I have been blessed beyond my wildest dreams! Mitch, you are the light of my life, my best friend, my strength, and the amazing father to our two sons. Everything I do is for you! I love talking about what our future holds & making our dreams come true TOGETHER! I am so proud of the man that you are & the man that you strive to be. I wouldn't want to walk through this life with anyone else...

So...babe, thanks for pulling that ambulance back around to ask a girl sitting outside on her porch to play golf the next day. Our lives changed forever that day... All because two people fell in love:)

Monday, October 11, 2010


Our first family trip to PA was absolutely wonderful & relaxing! It was such a joy to be able to see where my parents now call home:)- PA is so beautiful & we could see why they love their new location...minus us not there, of course! LOL! We were so proud of the boys during the flights because they were truly troopers! Never hardly cried...Teegan slept during each flight & Drew either slept or was busy reading his favorite thing of the airplane...the safety manual:) Seriously, we must have read that thing 30 times between the four flights! I even posted a picture of it to FB to remember it...

MiMi & Pappy always overwhelm us with their generosity & hospitality. MiMi had every waking minute with her grandbabies, as she wanted...Mitch enjoyed kayaking & boat activities with dad... & I loved the shopping:) It's not something that I hardly do anymore, but took advantage of it this time! We were blessed with a brand-new double stroller to make our travel home MUCH EASIER...shout out to MiMi & Pappy!! Drew asks every day to go for a stroller ride...that's a direct blessing from Heaven, as far as we're concerned:)

It's always difficult leaving my parents, but are looking forward to their visit here in a few weeks for our friend's memorial service in which dad & I will be singing. Love you guys...thanks a million again for everything!! & we'll be seeing you soon:)-

Our first airplane tickets!!

Monday, October 4, 2010

Off to PA!

I am so excited to be flying (well, not really for the flying!) to my parents' new home! I can't wait to see what they now call home. It's kind of my last 'hoorah' before having to return to work. Can't believe it's been three months already. Wish the circumstances for flying (sinus, ear infections & a broken clavicle) were better, but we will always make the best of it:) Ready for our first family road trip...

Also included some recent photos of the boys & our new camper! We'll be taking that out as soon as we get home from PA!

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Brotherly love

Watching these two begin to interact has been such a joy:) Teegan knows Drew's voice now & very quickly begins looking around to see where he is & what he's doing. Drew thinks it's pretty funny when Teegan smiles & laughs with him... so sweet:)

Thursday, September 2, 2010

Chunky Monkey

Well Teegan has continued on his path of growing, growing, growing!! He is 7 weeks old & is pushing 13lbs (if he hasn't hit it already!). His little personality is beginning to shine through:) He is a very quiet, sweet soul... he loves to talk to his mommy & coo & smile! I cherish every minute of it:)

He'll be making a big move tonight into his own bedroom. He's been getting up about every 2hours to eat & advice has been given that he's BIG ENOUGH to be in his own room & perhaps soothe himself a little more throughout the night - he probably won't agree with this. It will be difficult for me to hear him grunting & not 'come to his rescue', but I am sure we will all be just fine & make it through!

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Do you know your lyrics??

Drew singing in the backseat of the car to "Row, Row, Row Your Boat"...

"Row, row, row your boat
Gently down the sta-weam
Mary Mary Mary Mary
Light-ning McQueen!"

Friday, August 6, 2010

Madison Zoo

We took a family adventure to the Madison Wisconsin zoo yesterday...what a blast:)- We took Aunt Joanie & Cousin Maddy to meet up with Cousin Amy & soon-to-be hubby, Justin, to celebrate their engagement. We had gorgeous weather just right for a picnic in the park & lots of time walking around the zoo looking at all the animals. Teegan practically slept the entire day & made the trip very easy on us:)- Which, by the way, in 3 weeks since his birth, Teegan has gained 2 lbs and now weighs 9lbs 8oz and has grown 3/4 inches...holy cow:) No wonder I am exhausted!!